Sepphora’s Choice

Sepphora was stunned when her father first mentioned that he had received a proposal for her hand in marriage. Although 16 years old, she had not thought the time for marriage would come so soon. Sepphora had been around men all her life — her father and brothers — but the intricacies of marriage remained … Read More

Anya, the bleeding woman is healed by Jesus

Plop. A water droplet fell on Anya’s head. The moisture shocked her from her sleep and she opened her eyes. Her sparse single-room dwelling was still dark with just a hint of the morning light creeping through its small high singular window despite light rain continuing to fall. Anya remembered what the significance of the … Read More

Talitha, Jairus’ daughter, recounts being healed by Jesus

It was only to be one day’s journey back to our home. There were ten of us traveling together; my parents, a couple of my aunts and uncles and their children of various ages – some younger and some older than myself. My mother chatted away joyfully with her sisters as they bounced along the … Read More

A mid-wife tells the story of the unexpected early birth of Jesus in Bethlehem

I remember that evening. After it my life was different. “Ouch!”, I had been mending some clothes, and I felt irritated after pricking myself. I put my needle and thread down. I was tired, and this was a sign it was time to stop.  But I found it hard to be idle. I held my … Read More