Sepphora’s Choice

Sepphora was stunned when her father first mentioned that he had received a proposal for her hand in marriage. Although 16 years old, she had not thought the time for marriage would come so soon. Sepphora had been around men all her life — her father and brothers — but the intricacies of marriage remained … Read More

San Diego: A successful set-up by a mutual friend

Before we take up again at where I last left off on my travel adventure romance in the United States it’s important to flash back to where I had been in my life about a year prior. Almost exactly a year before my travels stateside I had taken a holiday to Fiji by myself. I … Read More


“Are you working at the moment?”. This is a question I remember being asked a few months after becoming a new mum. My body was a mess, I was severely sleep deprived, my mood was all over the place and I was struggling with breast feeding. I felt like laughing. How could I possibly have … Read More