A prayer for healing for angered and troubled souls in my community

My suburb boasts many conveniences and beauty of green hills and wilderness surrounds Shops, a railway line, easy transport, lagoons and playgrounds It seems mostly peaceful, mostly pleasant The short conversations I share as I journey alongside those who live around me mostly boost my soul Baristers, other parents dropping and picking up children from … Read More

My actual CV – The things I discount that I have achieved in the last six or so years

So I have always had the terrible habit of comparing myself to others. I have been doing this recently. You see I’m not 100% happy with where I am at in my career and I am spending a little bit of time on LinkedIn where I inevitably encounter the profile of someone whom I used … Read More


“Are you working at the moment?”. This is a question I remember being asked a few months after becoming a new mum. My body was a mess, I was severely sleep deprived, my mood was all over the place and I was struggling with breast feeding. I felt like laughing. How could I possibly have … Read More