Further further thoughts about work

I anticipated that I would write something more about work earlier than now.  I did discuss all the things I was thinking about with my spiritual director a few weeks ago but my thoughts are still percolating and I haven’t arrived at any conclusion about what it is I will or want to end up doing.  But I did have a few thoughts and ideas that I think are important to note and that at this time seem true

The first is that at this time I am doing enough being a mother and it is not the ideal time for me to go back to work if it’s not necessary.  I’m still breastfeeding my second child and the practicalities of breastfeeding while working alone make it seem a sensible choice not to delve into something right now – that would only be adding more to my plate.

I thought more about the teaching career option and there are some things about this to note. This seemed like it would be a good career option as I may be able to work close to my home rather than having to commute to work. The other thing I felt it had going for it were the school holidays and work timetable. I also like the idea of being part of a school community and being able to help children and adolescents during their development. I actually even signed up to do a teaching course but pulled out of it when realizing that part of the reason I wanted to study education was because I wanted to have more time with my children but studying it now would take me away from my children at this really important time in their development.

I think my ultimate career for me if I really could do whatever I wanted to would be to be an historical fiction writer where I can delve deeply into the history of an era and create works that give readers food for thought and entertain them. But…I am not sure about the chances for that happening for me so I guess its good to have a couple of different options.

So now I’m going to continue on as I am until when my littlest goes into childcare early next year. Then I might look for some contract work to test out working and how it goes with my kids. I will remain working on my own writing and business ideas from home when I can fit it around my children’s schedules.